Aladdin Connect primary school admin

Welcome parents and guardians!

What is Aladdin / Aladdin Connect?

2900+ primary schools in Ireland use the Aladdin Schools software service for administrative purposes.

Aladdin Connect can be purchased by schools as an add-on to the Aladdin Start package and allows parents/guardians to have secure access to messages and communications from the school and to details of their child’s attendance, test results, report cards, and other selected information. You can securely log in to Aladdin Connect from your internet browser or by using the Aladdin Connect app.

Here, you can learn more about how Aladdin Connect works, and how you, your child, and your child’s school can benefit from using Aladdin Connect.

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What is Aladdin Connect used for?

Aladdin Connect is used by Irish primary schools to securely communicate and share information with parents/guardians. As well as messages from the school, you can view details that the school shares about your child’s attendance, test results, report cards, homework, and library books. You can also enter reasons for your child’s absences from the Aladdin Connect app.

Aladdin Connect is accessed via a secure login. You sign in securely to Aladdin Connect from your computer, laptop or smartphone. Once your school is using Aladdin Connect, they will send you an access code so you can register with Aladdin Connect. Then you can download the Aladdin Schools Connect app to receive instant notifications from the school and to have convenient and secure access to your child’s information from your mobile device.

Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance a school's communication with its parents and helps you to stay connected and informed about your child's education.

How Aladdin Connect benefits you and your child

Aladdin Connect transforms and streamlines the way schools communicate with parents, helping to enrich the partnership between home and school. Your child’s school will be able to communicate with you in a timely and effective way, eliminating the need to send text messages or send home notes in the school bag or through the post. This will also help to reduce administration costs for your school.

Aladdin Connect helps parents to engage with their child’s educational progress. You will have convenient and secure access to your child’s school reports and other information related to your child’s educational journey.

You can be kept up-to-date with all the activities going on in your child’s school. Important documents such as school policies as well as school calendars can also be conveniently shared with parents.

From a data protection point of view, Aladdin Connect aids in a school’s compliance with data protection law (GDPR). Secure sharing of information with parents such as school report cards and test results is possible. Your school controls who can access Aladdin Connect, what information is displayed and they can also see when you last signed in. All information stored in Aladdin Connect is secure and is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws.

Aladdin Connect is easy for parents to use!

What you need to do

Click on the "+" for more information about each step:

1. Read the information letter and let your school know if you have any updates or concerns

Before your school rolls out Aladdin Connect you will receive an information letter telling you all about Aladdin Connect. You will have time to get in touch with the school if you need to update the school with any family information or if you have any concerns. Stepparents, foster parents, blended families, etc. can all be accommodated. Rest assured that you have control over the level of access. Parents only have access to view and edit (and share on the class list if this feature is on) their own personal contact information. Before Connect is released, schools will contact all parents to ensure they have time to contact the school to discuss in confidence any personal or legal provisions that may be in place regarding giving access to Connect to any parent / guardian of your child. If you have any concerns there are options available to reduce or block access as required. For example, if you do not want information such as money information, emergency contact details, text / email messages sent, etc. to be shared with your child's other parent, you can contact the school and ask for them to remove family sharing from your child's account. In this case, this information will not be available to either parent via Aladdin Connect.

2. Receive your unique registration link

After receiving the letter, you will receive a text or an email message containing your unique registration link. There will be one link per parent which will allow each parent to access information for all their children in the school from their individual user account. Registration links are unique to a particular parent and cannot be shared among parents in a family, or other parents in the school / other schools.

3. Register for Connect and set your password

During registration, you will choose a password that will be used along with your email address to securely access Aladdin Connect.

4. Download the Aladdin Connect app and verify your mobile phone number

Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with links to download the Aladdin Connect app. The main advantage of using the app is that you will be able to receive immediate alerts for app messages sent by your school and this will help your child’s school to cut down on the cost of text messaging / printing. You will need to verify your mobile phone number in order to receive notifications to your device. You do not have to download the app, however, it is highly recommended to enhance both the parent and the school's Aladdin Connect experience.

5. Setup is complete. Start using Aladdin Connect

We hope you enjoy Aladdin Connect! When you first sign in to Aladdin Connect you may be given the option to share your contact details with the other parents of children in your child’s class - you may want to do this to organise parties, play dates, etc. with your child’s friends. However, please be reassured that you have full control over the information that is shared with other parents and your information will not be shared unless you choose to share it. If you wish, you can change your privacy options at any time by clicking on the Account button or by clicking on “Account” in the Aladdin app. Please note that your school may have not selected the option to allow parents to share information and in this case, you will not see the privacy options.

Security, privacy, and data protection

The security of both parent and child information is of the utmost importance to Aladdin. We use state-of-the-art security to safeguard information entered by the school. Data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws. Aladdin use 128 bit SSL encryption on all data that is transferred between the parent account and Aladdin/Google. This means that even if Aladdin is accessed across an unsecured wireless connection the data is fully protected. All Aladdin data is fully encrypted at rest in Google’s data centres. Aladdin and Google’s security systems are independently audited to international standards. Aladdin is security scanned daily and Google’s data centre security is independently audited to ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018. If you'd like to read more about data security please visit our Privacy page. You can find out more about our terms of service on our Terms page.

Parents are reminded to ensure their accounts and passwords are not shared and to take appropriate measures to keep their account secure.

Click on the "+" for more information:

Sharing information within the family circle

Parents only have access to view and edit (and share on the class list if this feature is on) their own personal contact information. Before Connect is released, schools will contact all parents to ensure they have time to contact the school to discuss in confidence any personal or legal provisions that may be in place regarding giving access to Connect to any parent / guardian of your child. If you have any concerns there are options available to reduce or block access as required. For example, if you do not want information such as money information, emergency contact details, text / email messages sent, etc. to be shared with your child's other parent, you can contact the school and ask for them to remove family sharing from your child's account. In this case, this information will not be available to either parent via Aladdin Connect.

Class contact Details Sharing option

If your school allows a class contact details sharing option, parents have full control over the contact information that is shared with other parents (phone number, email address, etc).

When you log in for the first time, if your child's school has decided to allow the class list sharing option, privacy options are applicable to sharing your contact information with other parents in your child's class. By default, no information is shared on the class list other than the first name of your child. When you log in for the first time you will be presented with your privacy options, however these can be updated at any time by clicking on your "Account" icon and then on the "Privacy" tab. Then you will be presented with your privacy options - these options dictate what information you are happy to share with other parents within your child’s class.

You will only see information about other children in your child’s class if you have also chosen to share that particular information, for example, if you do not wish your email address to be shared, then you will also not be able to see the email address of parents who have opted to share their email. Parents can choose to share as much or as little information as they wish as per the options available. If a parent does not share any information, your child’s first name will appear on the class list for other parents to see, but not any other information.

Questions you may have

Check out our Parent Help to see some of the questions that parents have asked us. If you do not find the answer to your question, please email us at